Kb4474419 and kb4490628
Kb4474419 and kb4490628

kb4474419 and kb4490628

Next, we explain how to download them and how to check if they are installed. In order to add the SHA-2 support in Windows 7 and ensure that from the summer we will continue to receive updates through Windows Update, it is necessary to install the patches KB4474419, KB4490628 et KB4484071. update 6 months before Microsoft even ends official support.

  • Download the update to your computer by clicking the link in the opened window.From July of this year, Microsoft will make the use of SHA-2 mandatory in order to update Windows 7, so that users who have not installed the latest system security updates exploitation, which we will see below, will be left without receiving them.
  • Select your computer's OS version and click Download button.
  • If your computer runs on Windows 7 and Service Pack is not installed, first you need to install Service Pack 1 (KB976932). Manual installation of Service Pack 1 if it's not installed

    kb4474419 and kb4490628

    If you don't want to turn automatic installation of updates on, you can upgrade the system manually. In the Important updates block that opens, select Install updates automatically (recommended).Īll the necessary updates will be automatically downloaded and installed on your computer.In the left-hand menu of Windows Update window, select Change settings.In Start menu, select Control Panel → System and Security → Windows Update.If automatic installation of updates is disabled on your computer: Use one of the following methods to install the updates. You need to install updates for KB4490628 and KB4474419, so that Kaspersky Safe Kids modules and drivers could be signed using SHA256 hashing algorithm.

    kb4474419 and kb4490628

    Now modules and drivers of third-party applications (including Kaspersky) are signed using SHA256 hashing algorithm. Installation error will occur as a result of Microsoft having updated the algorithm for signing modules and drivers of third-party applications. The next version of Kaspersky Safe Kids cannot be installed on Microsoft Windows 7 if the following updates are not installed: Application installation error on Windows 7

    Kb4474419 and kb4490628